COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic Offered at Chaska Middle School West June 3

Carver County Public Health logo

Chaska Middle School West will host a Carver County Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic for students age 12+ on Thursday, June 3rd from 1-6 PM. First priority is being given to Eastern Carver County students. Vaccinations are available to students but are not a requirement for school.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Those under 18 are not required to have their parent/guardian attend. However, their parent/guardian needs to sign the electronic consent when registering for an appointment. (Please see the example of the consent page at the end of this email)

  • Transportation will be provided by bus during school hours between Middle School West, Pioneer Ridge Middle School, Chaska High School, Integrated Arts Academy, and Chanhassen High School. 

  • 2nd doses will be administered on June 24th back at Chaska Middle School West.

Additional Information: 

Email invitations for your 2nd dose will be sent within 1 week after your 1st dose appointment. The 2nd dose invitations will NOT come from public health, they will come directly from Vaccination Clinics: Please check your junk/spam folders if you do not receive the email within one week of your 1st vaccination.

Click the link below to register:  

If you need help with the registration process please call Carver County Public Health at 952-361-1559.

Below is the consent page you will encounter when registering for an appointment. This is an example only. If the person receiving the vaccine is under 18, their parent/guardian needs to complete the consent page on the registration system with the name of their parent/guardian.

Vaccine consent website screenshot

 Chaska Middle School West albergará una clínica de vacunación COVID-19 de salud pública del condado de Carver para estudiantes de 12 años en adelante el jueves 3 de junio de 1 a 6 p.m. Se les está dando prioridad a los/las estudiantes del condado de Eastern Carver. Las vacunas están disponibles para los/las estudiantes, pero no son un requisito para la escuela.

Esto es lo que necesita saber:

• Los/las menores de 18 años no están obligados a que asistan sus padres / tutores. Sin embargo, su padre / tutor debe firmar el consentimiento electrónico al registrarse para una cita. 

• Se proporcionará transporte en autobús durante el horario escolar entre Middle School West, Pioneer Ridge Middle School, Chaska High School, Integrated Arts Academy y Chanhassen High School.

• La segunda dosis se administrará el 24 de junio en Chaska Middle School West


Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para registrarse: 


Información Adicional:

Información acerca del COVID-19 

Enfermedad del Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)

Cudurka Koronafayras 2019 (COVID-19)

Las invitaciones por correo electrónico para su segunda dosis se enviarán dentro de una semana después de su cita de la primera dosis. Las invitaciones de la segunda dosis NO provendrán de salud pública, vendrán directamente de las Clínicas de Vacunación: Por favor revise sus carpetas de correo no deseado si no recibe el correo electrónico dentro de una semana de su primera vacunación.

Si necesita ayuda con el proceso de registro, llame a Salud Pública del Condado de Carver al 952-361-1559.

Vaccine consent website screenshot

Dugsiga Dhexe ee Chaska West wuxuu martigalinayaa xarunta caafimaadka dadweynaha ee Carver County Public Health waxayna bixinayaan talaalka loo yaqaano COVID-19 oo loogu tala galay ardayda da'doodu tahay 12 jir+ iyo inta ka weyn maalinta Khamiista, Juun 3-deeda laga bilaabo saacada 1pm ilaa 6pm. Mudnaanta koowaad waxaa la siinayaa ardayda dhigata Iskuulada Degmada Bariga Carver (Eastern Carver County). 

Waa tan waxa aad u baahan tahay inaad ogaato:

• Kuwa kayar 18 sano looma baahna in waalidkooda/ilaaliyahoodu ay soo xaadiraan. Laakiinse, waalidka/mas'uulka waxay u baahan yihiin in ay saxeexaan oggolaansho elektiroonik ah marka diiwaan gelinayaan ballanta. (Fadlan eeg tusaalaha bogga ogolaanshaha ku qoran ee dhamaadka e-maylkan) 

• Gaadiidka waxaa lagu bixin doonaa bas inta lagu jiro saacadaha iskuulka oo ay u dhaxeyso Dugsiyada kala ah, Pioneer Ridge Middle School, Chaska High School, Integrated Arts Academy, iyo Chanhassen High School. 

• Talaalka qaybtiisa 2-aad waxaa la qaadan doonaa Juun 24-keeda iyada oo lagu qaban doono isla Dugsiga Dhexe ee Chaska West. 


Guji linkiga hoose si aad isu diiwaan galiso:   


Xog dheeraad ah: 

Macluumaad ku saabsan COVID-19 

Enfermedad del Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)

Cudurka Koronafayras 2019 (COVID-19)

Casumaada iimaylka ku saabsan qaadashada talaalka qaybta 2aad waxaa lagu soo diri doonaa 1 asbuuc gudahood kadib xiliga balanta qaadashada talaalkaaga 1aad. Martiqaadka talaalka 2aad MA ka iman doono caafimaadka dadweynaha (Public health), ee waxay si toos ah uga imaan doontaa Xarumaha Rugta Talaalka: Fadlan ka hubi emaylkaaga faylalka qashinka/Spam hadii aadan ku helin emaylka hal todobaad gudahood laga bilaabo talaalkaaga 1aad.

Hadii aad u baahan tahay caawimaad habka diiwaan galinta fadlan wac Caafimaadka Dadweynaha Degmada Carver (Carver County Public Health) lambarka 952-361-1559.

Vaccine consent website screenshot